Vendor Details
Vendor Devices
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID fc1e
Device Name Bachrus Speedometer Interface
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Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID fc92
Device Name Open Bench Logic Sniffer
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID ffee
Device Name Devantech USB-ISS
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID ffef
Device Name PICoPLC [APStech]
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID fbb2
Device Name GCUSB-nStep stepper motor controller
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID fbba
Device Name DiscFerret Magnetic Disc Analyser (bootloader mode)
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID fbbb
Device Name DiscFerret Magnetic Disc Analyser (active mode)
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID f91c
Device Name SPROG IIv3
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID faff
Device Name Dangerous Prototypes BusPirate v4 Bootloader mode
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID fb00
Device Name Dangerous Prototypes BusPirate v4
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID f5fe
Device Name TrueRNG
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID f8da
Device Name Hughski Ltd. ColorHug
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID f8e8
Device Name Harmony 300/350 Remote
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID f2f7
Device Name Yepkit YKUSH
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID f3aa
Device Name Macareux-labs Usbce Bootloader mode
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID f437
Device Name SBE Tech Ultrasonic Anemometer
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID f4b5
Device Name SmartScope
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID ed16
Device Name BeamiRC 2.0 CNC remote controller analoge
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID edb4
Device Name micro PLC (ATSAMD51G19A) [Black Brix ECU II]
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID edb5
Device Name ATMEGA32U4 [Black Brix ECU]
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID f2c4
Device Name Macareux-labs Hygrometry Temperature Sensor
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID e72e
Device Name YuanCon
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID e7ee
Device Name Bike Light
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID ec72
Device Name Joystick with Rotary Switch Creative Electronics Ltd
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 9012
Device Name PICkit4
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 9015
Device Name ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID c001
Device Name PicoLCD 20x4
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID e11c
Device Name TL866CS EEPROM Programmer [MiniPRO]
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 8108
Device Name ChipKit Pro MX7 (PIC32MX)
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 9004
Device Name Microchip REAL ICE
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 9009
Device Name ICD3
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 900a
Device Name PICkit3
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 8001
Device Name ICD2 in-circuit debugger
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 8101
Device Name PIC24F Starter Kit
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 8107
Device Name Microstick II
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 00e0
Device Name PIC32 Starter Board
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 04cd
Device Name 28Cxxx EEPROM Programmer
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 0a04
Device Name AGP LIN Serial Analyzer
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 8000
Device Name In-Circuit Debugger
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 0032
Device Name PICkit1
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 0033
Device Name PICkit2
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 0036
Device Name PICkit Serial Analyzer
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 00dd
Device Name MCP2221(a) UART/I2C Bridge
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 0003
Device Name PICkit 2 Microcontroller Programmer
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 000a
Device Name CDC RS-232 Emulation Demo
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 000b
Device Name PIC18F2550 (32K Flashable 10 Channel, 10 Bit A/D USB Microcontroller)
More Vendor Device
Type USB
Vendor ID 04d8
Vendor Name Microchip Technology, Inc.
Device ID 0002
Device Name PicoLCD 20x2
More Vendor Device
Type Vendor ID Vendor Name Device ID Device Name More
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. fc1e Bachrus Speedometer Interface Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. fc92 Open Bench Logic Sniffer Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. ffee Devantech USB-ISS Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. ffef PICoPLC [APStech] Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. fbb2 GCUSB-nStep stepper motor controller Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. fbba DiscFerret Magnetic Disc Analyser (bootloader mode) Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. fbbb DiscFerret Magnetic Disc Analyser (active mode) Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. f91c SPROG IIv3 Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. faff Dangerous Prototypes BusPirate v4 Bootloader mode Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. fb00 Dangerous Prototypes BusPirate v4 Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. f5fe TrueRNG Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. f8da Hughski Ltd. ColorHug Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. f8e8 Harmony 300/350 Remote Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. f2f7 Yepkit YKUSH Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. f3aa Macareux-labs Usbce Bootloader mode Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. f437 SBE Tech Ultrasonic Anemometer Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. f4b5 SmartScope Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. ed16 BeamiRC 2.0 CNC remote controller analoge Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. edb4 micro PLC (ATSAMD51G19A) [Black Brix ECU II] Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. edb5 ATMEGA32U4 [Black Brix ECU] Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. f2c4 Macareux-labs Hygrometry Temperature Sensor Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. e72e YuanCon Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. e7ee Bike Light Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. ec72 Joystick with Rotary Switch Creative Electronics Ltd Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 9012 PICkit4 Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 9015 ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. c001 PicoLCD 20x4 Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. e11c TL866CS EEPROM Programmer [MiniPRO] Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 8108 ChipKit Pro MX7 (PIC32MX) Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 9004 Microchip REAL ICE Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 9009 ICD3 Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 900a PICkit3 Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 8001 ICD2 in-circuit debugger Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 8101 PIC24F Starter Kit Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 8107 Microstick II Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 00e0 PIC32 Starter Board Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 04cd 28Cxxx EEPROM Programmer Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 0a04 AGP LIN Serial Analyzer Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 8000 In-Circuit Debugger Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 0032 PICkit1 Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 0033 PICkit2 Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 0036 PICkit Serial Analyzer Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 00dd MCP2221(a) UART/I2C Bridge Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 0003 PICkit 2 Microcontroller Programmer Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 000a CDC RS-232 Emulation Demo Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 000b PIC18F2550 (32K Flashable 10 Channel, 10 Bit A/D USB Microcontroller) Vendor Device
USB 04d8 Microchip Technology, Inc. 0002 PicoLCD 20x2 Vendor Device